Players: 2-4
Playing Time: 30 Mins
Age: 8+
Are you inspired by finding the mysterious places in your backyard? The Siblings Trouble is about grabbing a backpack, a sandwich, that monster you call a “sibling,” and heading out into the wilderness, leaving the comfort of home at your back. This 30-minuet narrative game influenced by Miyasaki, The Goonies, The Hardy Boys, and even Pikmin, is sure to bring adventure to your table.
The Siblings Trouble is a card-driven, cooperative, storytelling game. It boils down all the core elements of an RPG (storytelling, exploration, discover, treasure, encounters, etc) into a fun-to-play narrative romp with your family or friends. You can play this as an ice-breaker, in-betweener, or a way to introduce storytelling and adventure games to new players.